Even your cat wants the windows replaced
/Follow this link to hear our latest radio commercial featuring a fed up cat!
Read MoreFollow this link to hear our latest radio commercial featuring a fed up cat!
Read MoreHappy New Year! Check out this post to see what Steve the Window Guy has been up to these last few weeks.
Read MoreJob Fair participants will be interviewed for positions that interest them. So if you are motivated, excited to work and eager for a new opportunity... tell us. Where do you want to work?
Universal Windows Direct is excited to announce a hiring job fair this Tuesday, February 4, 2014. Job Fair participants will be interviewed for positions that interest them. So if you are motivated, excited to work and eager for a new opportunity... tell us. Where do you want to work?
Inside homes: Selling products. Running in home sales appointments to educate homeowners on our products, talk to them about their home improvement needs and sell them what they are looking for. Must be able to learn and execute a proven selling system.
In the public: Starting conversations with strangers. Approaching people you don’t know. Asking them questions. Listening. Talking to them about our company and our products. Asking them to schedule an in home estimate. Must be willing and ready to take rejection.
On the phone: Contacting our customers on the phone to schedule appointments. Confirming appointments. Rescheduling appointments. Reaching out to share new products with them. May include calling to set appointments with people who have given us their information online or in our booth at home shows.
Outside homes: Installing products. Talking with homeowners at the beginning of the install, or as surprises emerge during the install. Focusing your time on removing and replacing their windows, doors, patio doors, siding or roofing. Must be skilled at problem solving and be someone who is truly proud of a job well done.
Reserve your interview time today by calling Melissa at 612-866-2888 or contact us through our website. Walk in attendees are welcome.
Tour our new office and meet Steve the Window Guy!
Steve The Window Guy sells more than just windows in MN!
We are hiring in-home sales, lead generators, event marketing, appointment setters and installer positions. Interviews taking place on February 4, 2014 at a job fair in our office.
Hello 2014!
We are moved in to our new office space, we have promoted the office baby into part time daycare, and we have our first home show of the season under our belt. What’s next?
Job Fair!
We are currently hiring in –home sales, lead generators, and event marketing positions. It doesn’t matter if you have some experience or no experience; if you are a high energy person who loves to talk to people and is exciting about making connections, making sales and helping us grow our company, then we want to meet you!
Curious to know more about us?
We are Universal Windows Direct, Twin Cities.
We are one of the most successful Universal Windows Direct Dealers in the nation
We are a family owned business that believes integrity and service rules
We are planning to increase our business this year by 60%.
Everyone who joins our team becomes part of our family and will help us reach our goal.
So tell us, what are your goals this year?
Do you want to use your skills or gain new skills? Do you love in home sales? Does working a trade show pump you up? Are you awesome at making phone calls to prospective customers? Is installing really your strength and you’re looking for a steady stream of work?
IF so, then come out to the job fair to meet us! We want to learn about you, and give you a chance to learn more about us. If you are interested, you will be interviewed! Reserve your interview spot by contacting us today or just show up the day of. Job Fair will be open from 3pm - 8pm.
Interview spots are already filling up so don’t delay. Call Melissa at 612-866-2888.
Our office is at 150 West 88th Street, Bloomington, MN. It is located in the Pillsbury Square Office Park about 4 blocks West of Nicollet on 88th Street. We are the 2ndwarehouse in on the right side of the office park. Look for the flags the day of the job fair.
For more detailed directions or help finding us the day of, contact Melissa or Steve at 612-866-2888. Email us at twincities@universalwindowsdirect.com
This blog gives an update on our week at the Seminar and shares some plans for 2014!
Universal Windows Direct is ready for an AWESOME New Year! Are you?
At Universal Windows Direct we are very excited about 2014 and having our best year ever. Our goal is a lofty one, but we know that with the help of an amazing staff, awesome installers, and people like you we can do it!
Last week we were fortunate to attend the 2014 Universal Windows Direct Success Seminar. We were happy to escape the 30 below MN weather to go to the beautiful Marriot Hotel in Downtown Cleveland Ohio – where it was a balmy 20 degrees! For several days we enjoyed numerous seminars on business growth, advertising, marketing, and sales. Not only that, but we benefitted greatly from listening to the stories of our dealer partners from around the country. It is amazing how so many people with different experiences and different backgrounds can come together and help each other grow. We walked away from the meeting exhausted, but ready to put plans into action!
Now THAT is factory direct!
The last day of the seminar was a factory tour at Polaris. There is something very very cool about being in the factory and actually watching all of the men and women who work there building the product that we sell. There is an enormous amount of pride there, and we love that our business is part of what keeps them busy. We were super impressed at not only the cleanliness of the factory but the efficiency of the process. Perhaps the highlight of the tour was noticing our most recent order of window completed, and ready to be loaded. This window will be installed within the next 2 weeks!
How did Tessie do? She rocked. Our little jellyfish spent 5 days and nights with 5 different people, in 5 different houses and sleeping in 5 different beds. Playing cousins, demanding kisses every second and loving every minute of it.. She even went to a huge family birthday party so she literally spent time with everyone! Have I mentioned our blessed we are? Thank you a million times over to our community of family members who will take her in, love her and play with her until she reaches exhaustion! We missed her like crazy but we know she had fun. So here we are. Back in the office prepping for our move, consolidating our notes, and poised to put our plans in to action. Get ready to see a lot more of Universal Windows Direct, Twin Cities in the coming year. Our office is nearing completion, we are planning a job fair and we excited at the possibilities.
Last but not least, if you or anyone you know is considering replacing their windows, siding, entry doors, patio doors, roofing or attic insulation give us a call! Quotes are always free and we will provide you with the information you need to make a decision along with a same day – in writing – estimate of the job. Contact us today at through our website at www.universalwindowsmn.com , email us at twincities@universalwindowsdirect.com, or call us in the office at (612) 866-2888.
Chat soon!
Author: Melissa Brager
Recent Articles: 2013 in Review
Bring out the white shoes and fire up the grill.. this weekend is the official start to Summer! This is always cause for celebration but when you've just survived 7 months of winter and have written off spring entirely, this is even better.
As a home improvement company summer means no more indoor home shows with sensible shoes and pressed shirts. Bring out the shorts and the sunglasses because we will be outside in parks, in tents, and even on the side of the road. Instead of being flanked by window and siding companies we are likely to be flanked by a liquor store, a local gym or a real estate agent. We say goodbye to packing sensible "home show" lunches and say hello to packing gallons of water and enjoying yummy food truck food. Can you say "deep fried apple pie?" I can. With a side of cinnamon ice cream, please. This year we look forward to bringing our baby to these fun summer events so she can enjoy the action and energy of the midway, and maybe even a few rides or a taste of cotton candy. And who knows, if she can help us pull in an extra lead or two all the better!
Ask any window replacement company and they will gladly tell you their installers LOVE working in the summer. Winters get slow and winters get rough and all summer does is get sunny! Yeah!!
Steve The Window Guy sells more than just windows in MN!
When we're not outside work/playing at events we've got new marketing campaigns to work on, new products to share with you, enhancements to our existing products and a new salesman to introduce to you.
On a personal note we are looking forward to being outside. I plan on going to the park, enjoying hot afternoons in the pool, and drinking lemonade with friends and watching some baseball games. I have always dreamed of having an outdoor living space... totally not practical in MN.. but I do have my outside furniture out and my grill cleaned. What else? Burger Friday is Back! Check our Facebook page every Friday for awesome and yummy burger recipes. We don't just stick to beef. You'll see some great chicken, pork, turkey and meat-free burger recipes too.
I. Am. Ready. How do YOU celebrate the beginning of Summer?
Author: Melissa Brager
Recent Posts:
Window replacement companies in the Twin Cities. Do you want to guess at how many there are? It seems like there are thousands. I can only imagine how confusing it must be for a homeowner to make a decision on which company to call for an estimate. Even when a homeowner goes to a home show to look at windows it can be overwhelming because (and I swear I am not exaggerating here) 25-50% of the vendors at some shows will sell you a window. Is it easier if you are looking for a siding or roofing contractor? I don't think so.
Remember Us?
The challenge for us is being memorable. So what can we do to become memorable? When you see us at a home show what makes you stop and talk to us? When you are surfing online for information what makes you stop on our page and explore for awhile? What can we do to help you remember us?
I overhear sales guys on the phone making calls to homeowners they just met last week. Those phone calls oftentimes start like this. "From Universal Windows Direct. Universal Windows Direct. Universal. Windows. Direct." Our name just isn't ringing any bells to them. They have looked at and talked to so many different window companies that everybody has started to sound alike. No matter how much fun they had in their home talking about their project with us, they just don't remember that the guy calling them on the phone is the one they liked. Sometimes the homeowners actually say "Hold on while I get my notes" and then they come back and say "OH HI!! We like you! Thanks for calling!"
Sure, it sounds a bit crazy but it makes sense. It is human nature. Shopping for windows can be like shopping for that perfect pair of dress pants. Do you remember the last time you ventured into the Mall looking for pants? After shopping for hours you finally decide on the perfect pair and you get ready to make your purchase. But where was that store again? What was the name of it? Suddenly every store you go in to looks the same. All the pants look the same. All the sales people sound the same. You're so overwhelmed that you don't care anymore. "These pants are fine", you tell yourself. "The price isn't what I wanted but it is fine" You just want to be done. You make the purchase and cross it off your list.
So here is my point. We have plans to make us more memorable. Big plans. Plans to make us stick in your head.. catchy plans if you will. Plans to make you smile when you see us. We want you to know that when you are looking for a window siding or door contractor we are the ones you are looking for. We don't want there to be a doubt in your head that its us. You are going to love working with us and we are going to take good care of you.
We can't wait to show you what we've been working on. Next week's blog is going to be a doozie. See you then!
Author:Melissa Brager
Part of me thinks that New Year's Day is a silly holiday. If you aren't a football fan there really isn't anything to DO. There aren't specific New Year's Day foods, or traditions or activities. It is really just a day to sleep in and re-evaluate your life, your plans, and move forward with a fresh start.
So what are your resolutions? Are they fitness related? Relationship related? Career focused? Home Improvement focused? More importantly, how will you know that you've achieved them? Is someone else holding you accountable? Are you checking in with yourself? Are you writing them down?
I actually started to write them down, then I realized they are always the same. So this year I'm going to do monthly resolutions. THIS month we have a few weekends consumed by Home Improvement shows, so I will focus on buying and packing healthy food for us to eat while we are working. I will embrace the crock pot. =)
The baby, I am certain, will focus on cutting teeth and crawling.
The business will focus on having a great January. We will smile and greet you when you visit us at the show. We will give you great service and will offer show discounts. We will continue our plans to market our business in a bigger and better way. We will seek constant improvement. Little by little. Day by day. Year by Year.
Are you along for the ride? Hope so. See you soon.
Melissa Brager, Operations Manager Universal Windows Direct, MN
Hello friends!
It's been a busy few weeks for everyone as we wind down October. Here is some of our great content you may have missed!
Universal Windows Direct works Fall Home ShowsHome Improvement & Remodeling Show Pictures
Did you see us at the Convention Center?
Replace your windows - just a few at a time!
Community Involvement - Pinewood Phantom Fun Run
Me and my helper at the Pinewood Fun Run
Fall Pasta Recipe: Pasta with Pumpkin and Sausage
We're on Pinterest! Let your obsession continue by checking out our boards!
Also, don't forget to visit our Facebook page to see what we're up to every day! Thanks so much for checking out our blog and enjoy this beautiful fall weekend and Happy November everybody!!
Author: Melissa Brager
We did it. We joined Pinterest. I couldn't resist. I love the idea of infusing our personalities, and our company culture into marketing windows, siding, and doors. I resisted for a long while because I couldn't fathom why anyone would visit a board full of pictures of windows. Furthermore, would anyone actually re-pin a window? Or siding? For heavens sakes no.
But - I recently read a great article about marketing small business with Pinterest and it made sense to me. We live in a city that is overflowing with home improvement companies. If you pay attention, you can literally see 10+ ads every single day from companies selling windows siding and doors. (I am working at the library today and one was sitting on the table next to me!)
So people matter. When you buy from Universal Windows Direct, Twin Cities you aren't buying from a big corporate giant or box store. You are buying from Melissa and Steve Brager. You are supporting small business in your community. And.... you are getting a superior, energy efficient product at a factory direct price. That is the beauty of it.
So who are Melissa and Steve? What are they all about? Do you share any interests with them? Maybe. We have lots of different ways you can find out. Subscribe to our blog for valuable information on our products and the buying process - as well as a behind the scenes look at our business. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get up to the minute updates on what we're up to. See what articles we have found interesting and view pictures of jobs we have done recently.
Then check out Pinterest. We have boards that feature our product, yes. We also have boards that show:
Us out working at home improvement fairs
Pictures of our life as small business owners
Burger Friday recipes
Front Door Decoration Ideas
Pumpkin Fun - because I LOVE seasonal decorating and holiday traditions
Inspirational Quotes
Small Business Marketing
I'm excited to grow our boards and keep on pinning. What kinds of things should we add? Would love to hear from you!
Melissa Brager
Recent Blog Posts:
Most weekends you will find us at a home improvement shows or remodeling expos. But some weekends we get to participate in events that are even more fun... like the Phantom Fun Run for Pinewood Elementary in Inver Grove Heights. The Phantom Fun Run is a family activity the benefits the Pinewood Elementary school. Every year families come out to support their school by running in this fun event. Not signed up yet? No problem! You can sign up on race day!
Here is the schedule for the morning:
8:00 AM Race Day Registration. Sponsor tables available for viewing.
8:15-8:45 Eagan Police Dog, Badger, will be providing a demo.
9:00 AM Kids ¼ mile race
9:15 AM Kids ½ mile race
9:30 AM 5K Run/Walk
Universal Windows Direct is a platinum sponsor this year so we will be there at a with a table set up with product samples and brochures. Since it will be a cold morning, we will be with the other sponsors inside the school gym. Stop out to meet me and the baby, get a quick product demo or get any questions answered that you may have. Of course we will have coupons as an incentive for in home estimates for window or door replacement as well.
Interested in participating in the run? Click here for more information
Author: Melissa Brager
Universal Windows Direct, MN
It's Fall Home Improvement Show time! Ready to start that project you've been putting off? You aren't alone! Every fall when the weather cools down homeowners all over the Twin Cities get serious about their home projects like window replacement, door replacement, and home remodeling. Stop out and visit with our reps at any of these upcoming Fall Home Improvement shows: Home Improvement and Design Expo:
October 20-21 at the Minneapolis Convention Center
October 27 at the National Sports Center in Blaine
November 3 at the Maple Grove Community Center
These shows offer a unique opportunity to visit with Home Improvement Companies and Remodelers to showcase their work, demonstrate their product, and answer your questions. If you are ready to start a project, or just want a chance to pre-shop quality of products, this is the place for you. Not only that, but the promoter of these shows, MediaMax, has filled the show with vendors, attractions, seminars, and all sorts of cool stuff.
Stop by and see Steve!
Stop out and visit the Universal Windows Direct booth and take advantage of our free triple pane upgrade as well as additional show discounts!
You like free, right? Please visit our booth at any of these shows as our guest. You can print free tickets at http://www.mediamaxevents.com/vip
See you there!
Author: Melissa Brager
Tips for Visiting Companies at a Home Improvement Show
It seems the older we get the faster time moves. Gone are the days when we were kids and summer vacation stretched on from one endless day to another. These days summer is gone in the blink of an eye and just-like-that we are full on into the mania of fall. If you have school aged kids you have homework and school buses, activities and conferences. If you have teeny kids at home you have fun Halloween costumes and treat bags, fall portraits and Christmas planning to think about. If you own a replacement window company you are full on busy in fall home shows, completing installs from the summer, preparing for the slower months and thinking about planning for the coming year. No matter who you are or what you have…. Time is moving faster. The to-do list is getting longer. The pace of our beautiful glorious life is faster. The potential of us missing information is what keeps us glued to our phones, our computers and our television screens.
Well, not to worry. Here at Universal Windows Direct, MN we will do a regular wrap up of all our great content that you may have missed. Ready to get started?
Factory Direct? Aren’t all windows factory direct?
Tips on preparing for your window installation
Time Management tips from Entrepreneur Magazine
Burger Friday Recipe – Pumpkin Burger!!
Fall Yard Clean up Tips from About.Com
Before and After pictures from our Dealer partner in Pittsburgh
Our Fall Newsletter has been sent to all of our past customers!
Baby in the office!! Beware of one cute infant “doing paperwork”
That is all for now.. thanks for visiting!
There is just something wonderful about a Friday, isn't there?
It doesn't matter if you work in an office, if you work at home, or even if you have to work all weekend, Friday's just feel different. This Friday feels especially good, as it has been a long week! Here is a taste of what we've been up to!
We received a huge shipment.
A Door install is completed
Siding tear off on a job in St. Paul
Four huge window jobs are wrapped up
Installers on one of those jobs enjoyed a visit from Mom that included cookies!
Dakota County Fair schedule all set - including our babysitters for the hours I'll be out there
We had a super meeting with a marketing firm.
The ever popular baby enjoyed personal visits from (2) Grandpas, (2) Grandmas - 2 different days, (1) Great Aunt, (1) friend of Grandma. We also enjoyed some spontaneous weeknight trips to visit with (2) Aunties, (5) cousins, and (4) second cousins.
Part time daycare for the baby secured starting this fall
Our past customer newsletter is finalized and will be mailed next week.
We signed on for 4 new events to exhibit at in the coming few months - in fact we're headed out to set up for one shortly. It never ends! If you're in the area stop by and see us at Lakefront Days in Prior Lake!
Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it all. How has your week gone??
Melissa Brager
Operations Manager, Universal Windows Direct, MN
Other Articles of Interest:
Hi! I’m Melissa Brager . I spent over 15 years working for huge companies in Corporate America. Then I quit. My husband Steve spent 20 years working for a construction company and doing home remodeling on his own. Then he quit. Now we work together running Universal Windows Direct, Twin Cities .
This is Me
If you’ve met me you know that I like a lot of variety and I feel really good when I feel all the right things are taken care of. So while Steve is out running around I stay in the office managing all the behind the scenes details that keep us moving.
If you’ve met Steve you know that he works hard, I mean really really hard to earn your business, to provide the best customer service he can and to earn your repeat business and your referrals. He is the type of small business owner that works on super speed all day every day.
This is Steve.
Several months ago we were blessed with a perfect baby girl. So our days are more interesting and more fun and more complicated all at the same time.
This blog is a mixture of information on windows, siding, and doors; with small business anecdotes, and my life as I balance growing our business, working from home, and caring for my baby.
Read, enjoy and connect. We’d love to hear from you!
We laugh sometimes when people ask us "who is your ideal customer?". The answer seems obvious - because our ideal customer is anyone who is looking for windows, siding, or doors at factory direct prices.
BUT..... what that person looks like can be a whole different story. What do I mean? Check it out.
Top 10 "Ideal Customers" of Universal Windows Direct, Twin Cities
Your niece, the first time home buyer, who wants to update her old single pane windows that came with the house.
Your neighbor, who is selling their house, who wants to upgrade the front door to something more inviting.
Your cousin, the Contractor, who is looking to get a better price on a great vinyl windows and keep a bit more cash in his pocket.
Our previous customers who replaced windows on the first level of the house last year, and are now ready to replace windows in the upper level.
Your co-worker in North Minneapolis, Fridley, or Forest Lake who was affected by the recent tornadoes and literally needs to replace the windows and siding in their home.
Your Mom or Dad who are looking to add a bay or bow window to the front of their home.
You. Because you have spent your last winter with cold drafty windows.
Your aunt and uncle, who are building a 4 season porch full of windows.
Your boyfriend, the guy who can do anything - even install windows,
Your sister who has lived with that hail damage on her siding for two years too long.
No matter who you know or what their reasons are for calling, Universal Windows Direct will come to your home, discuss your project, answer your questions and leave you a price. The price reflects when you buy direct. Contact us today!
Thanks for checking us out! Like what you see? Share it with your friends.
Steve the Window Guy for Universal Windows Direct is a full exterior remodeling company focusing on replacing windows, siding, and roofing. Steve and his team are experts in working with
people just like you to create a plan for the most cost efficient way to complete your exterior remodeling project. We are part of a national dealer network that has catapulted to be a top 5
remodeling company in the nation. Locally we have an A+ rating with the BBB with zero complaints. Steve has been recognized by Universal Windows Direct as a National Dealer of the Year
three times for his hard work and dedication to getting things right. We are locally owned and operated in Bloomington, MN and work throughout the Twin Cities Metro.
Updating your home can be easy.
We believe Steve the Window, Siding and Roofing Guy was just too long of a name.
*Source: Qualified Remodelers Top 500 List, Published September 2021
We are an exterior re-modeler focusing on replacing windows, siding,
entry doors, sliding glass patio doors, roofing, gutters, gutter
protection and attic insulation.
We are a MN licensed contractor working throughout the Twin Cities Metro.
MN License # BC635019
Brager Remodeling, LLC DBA Universal Windows Direct, Twin Cities DBA Steve the Window Guy