Friday Things... 12-7-2018

It has been a good week. Not too cold… we’ve seen the sun and lots of fluffy snow this morning! Our daughter is chomping at the bit to get outside and do some sledding down the very small hill in our front yard.

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We’ve had a few highlights this week.

  • We got home after a surprise trip to Disneyland on Sunday night! It was a last minute get away that was every bit as magical as Disney knows how to be! Low crowds, one super rainy day, sweatshirt weather and rides all day long.. a total blast. We worked hard all day Monday just to catch up!

  • We finished up a great siding job in Chanhassen. Lots of people are surprised to learn that we side year round!

  • We finished up installing the 2nd bunch of windows on a job in Jordan. We love a repeat customer but that family is going to LOVE the warmth of having all of their windows done before the cold snap.

  • Our Holiday Cards have been ordered and the assembly line for mailing prep will begin in 7-10 days. =)

  • Shockingly, we are prepping for show season already. 2019 starts off with a 3 day show January 4-6 and then a different show every singe weekend. We have free tickets to all of them if you’re interested! Remodeling shows always have a mix of exterior projects, interior remodeling from the small job to the major, garage organization, landscaping and more. Just message me or call the office!

  • Our new and improved website is live. I have a great team working with me and this is truly the best version yet. Check it out! Steve the Window

  • Our radio ad is in rotation on KS95! Listen for it this weekend. Reach out on Facebook to tell me you’ve heard it! Code word…. PEACOCK!!

  • December is always a good opportunity to get caught up on administrative and operational things… my piles are disappearing slowly.

  • Steve the Window Guy and I decided that in we would increase our giving this year and provide Christmas gifts for several foster children in the care of an acquaintance. Choosing their gifts and discussing how important giving back is with our daughter was a great experience. Christmas morning will be all the more special knowing that 2 other kids are thrilled with what they find under the tree.

  • Oh yeah, and I celebrated a birthday this week doing all the things I love… drinking Peppermint Mocha, hanging with my sister and niece, Christmas shopping, and dinner with my family. Steve was there to get our T off the bus and the two of them decorated my cake together. Isn’t it awesome? The gold sugar dusting is the best.


That’s it for now. Have a super weekend everyone!
